Board Games Combo

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Buy Visual Trigonometry Board Game and HueHop Board Game at a discounted combo price


Buy Visual Trigonometry Board Game and HueHop Board Game at a discounted combo price

Visual Trigonometry Board Game:-

Age : 10+ 

Visual Trigonometry is a revolutionary flagship board game from Dhimath that allows you to prove trigonometric identities in a fun gamified way without using any formulas.. It provides a framework where you can visualize the problem and discover the solution in a visual way. No need to memorize any identities – you can discover them in a jiffy even if you forget some of them. It inspires students to play more and more, and in turn solve more and more problems.

The board game comes with 45 puzzle challenges that need to be solved using the game rules without any prior knowledge of trigonometry. In case you already know trigonometry, these puzzle challenges are nothing but trigonometric identities that you will end up proving in a fun gamified way using the board game without using any formulas. Whoa !!

Visual Trigonometry helps

  • Create a love for Trigonometry.
  • Connect with Algebra and Arithmetic.
  • Picturize the common identities instead of memorizing them blindly.
  • Remove the fear of Trigonometry.
  • Provide intuition while solving trigonometric identities in the typical approach.

HueHop Board Game:-

Age : 6+

HueHop is a smart board game that’ll light up your brain and put your logic to test. It helps you understand the math concepts of parity and coloring in a fun and easy way.

The board game also inspires you to create your own puzzle challenges and board variants to outwit your opponent. making HueHop a great educational tool to help students explore math while having fun playing the game. Hop into the colorful world where every move is a new adventure, and the more you play, the smarter you get!

  • Age: 6+
  • Puzzle challenges for unlimited fun
  • Handbook explains the math concepts of parity and coloring.


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